گزارش اسفندماه گروه زبان

گزارش اسفندماه زبان (پیش دبستان)


Safari 2
Unit 8/The weather
New vocabularies:
Sunny☀️. Rainy🌧. Snowy🌨. Windy🌬. Hot . cold
New sentence:
It’s sunny and hot
It’s sunny and hot. Eat ice-cream. Look ! sea, run.
Story :
The island
Being prepared

video: Steve and Maggie

Safari 1

Unit 8. My clothes
New vocabularies:
T-shirt👕. Dress👗. Pants👖 .shoes👞👞.
New sentence:
I don’t like purple shoes.
Put on your shoes. put on your T-shirt. put on your hat. Say Hello to your dad.

video: Steve and Maggie

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